Extra Extra read all about it !

Hello Neighbor recently released its full game and it has blown peoples minds, connections were made with the story line and The wacky crazy neighbor we met from the beginning is seen in a different light, i actually feel sorry for him. Hide and seek came out in August 2018 with a planned release in December 2018. Hide and Seek deals with the events of the Neighbor’s family that caused him to become a recluse. The game was released on December 7, 2018.


This sequel or prequel to the game focuses on the neighbors family and answers many questions left over from hello neighbors alphas and betas. besides the safari chapter we get four more chapters, each with there own representations, themes and puzzles. We cant forget the puzzles, my favorite part of this genre of games, we go from creating pressure in geysers to reach high places to outing fires and defrosting lakes. We go from safari hunter to robber to firefighter to zombie, barbie isn’t the only one who does everything.


We went from collecting toy animals to money bags and babies and brains. The fun never ends really. Each chapters cut scenes reveal more of the story and give us insight into whats going on, In the beginning it seems like child’s play, two children having fun playing hide and seek but we soon come to realize the deep dark truth that will come to pass as the game goes on. We go from playing and having fun to escaping to fluctuating emotions and things start coming together like a puzzle.


Hello neighbor never fully made sense, it had too many loopholes, too many unanswered questions and people were left wanting more. Months later we got our answers and it was darker and sadder than anyone expected, we learned that the neighbor had a family and things went from heaven to hell in minutes. In hello neighbor we play as a guy who gets evicted from his city apartment and moves to a neighborhood except our neighbor is acting weird, fighting mannequins, locking up a door like fort Knox. something is definitely rotten in Denmark. What we don’t know until hide and seek is that this crazy, wacky, off his meds neighbor is simply a man in mourning.

hn_screenshot7-1024x576We see the neighbor and his family moving in, happy without a worry in the world then we join the children for hide and seek and watch as it goes from fun to tragedy. My theory which i shared on captain sauce, 8bitryan and KindlyKeyins game play videos is that sometime after moving in, the neighbor and his wife leave the children home to go somewhere, we don’t know if its the grocery store as we saw in alpha 3 or the beta levels i’m not sure which it was. The children realize time is passing and don’t know where their parents are, their worried but can’t really do anything except keep playing and hope they come home soon. After chapter 2 we see the neighbor come home and drop to his knees with his wife’s purse, we can tell by this that the wife has died, we know how she died through alpha 3 when we saw the accident and the waiting room scenes.


The next 3 chapters show us how they cope with her death, the neighbor is out of it, mourning. not really there for his children. The son is angry and sad, not sure how to move forward and the sister seems to be the strong one, we don’t see her cry but we can safely assume she is just as sad as her brother and father. We see her try to cheer her brother up despite his being mean to her. The last chapter isn’t really a chapter but more of an ending scene, it all comes down to this kinda thing. we see the brothers anger go to far and cause his sisters death by accidentally pushing her off the roof. we are then met by an ending scene of the neighbor burying his daughter.


The answers are clear when we take this information back to hello neighbor itself, we can assume the grave in alpha 2 is the sisters and the mattress and teddy in the basement is the brothers because we can only assume that he went cray losing his mother and sister. The neighbor not wanting to lose the only family he had left locks him down there and lives with what he has done, until we come along. The shadow figure that sparked curiosity could represent the brother, the missing children poster is his children because he would have to cover his tracks somehow, people who knew him would notice his children not around. All the things we saw in the alphas and Betas the hidden things, the things in the basement scenes were almost a vision of what was coming even though they made no sense.


Is this the end for hello neighbor and hide and seek for good ?  we’ll just have to wait and see. I couldn’t resist doing this blog, since the day hello neighbor dropped the first alpha iv’e been hooked on it like a bear to honey. The story line grew and myself and other fans wanted to know more, we couldn’t wait for the next alpha or beta to drop. Tiny Build and Dynamic Pixels did a great job on this one, granted we had our share of glitches and spaz out moments but the journey was wild and unexpected and full of surprises at each turn. I hope to see more games of this type in the future i hope this isn’t really the end for our wacky friend the neighbor.


Published by sweettoothj

A reading, sleeping, gaming, singing, positive thinking, food loving, stylish, funny, silly, big hearted kinda girl.

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