1.14 Java Ed. Good or Bad?


The long awaited minecraft 1.14 Village and Pillage update came  April  23rd 2019, this is the biggest update since the aquatic update in 1.13 which brought us beautiful coral reefs, tropical fish, turtles and all that good stuff. Between these updates we got snapshots and those snapshots only made us want 1.14 more. 1.14 has not escaped its share of issues from 1.13 and even further back but it has brought some good things to the table. Blocks we had from before were expanded on further.


We got new slabs, walls, stairs and blocks. New sign colors, which makes personal building better as we have more variety. New flowers such as wither rose, cornflower and flower of the valley. The way dye’s are made has been changed and much more.


We got new furnaces, campfire, cartography table, loom, Lectern, storage and new ways to cut stone and the ability to disenchant and repair and item. making things like the anvil optional. The Villagers now use tables such as the smithing table, the fletching table, the blast furnace, the crafting table and the composter. Speaking of villagers they got a major no mega huge facelift and their homes got some renovation done.

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The Villagers now match their biomes, their robes match the biome their from color and style. Although some bugs have revealed to me that you do get villagers in robes who dont seem to match the village their in hmm. Cats now spawn in villages and roam around so you can claim a kitty of your own. As we know their are desert villages, plains villages, snowy tundra villages and Taiga villages. Zombie villages were added, these look like normal villages but are empty during the day and their buildings are full of cobwebs. Their has been talk of Jungle and swamp villages but i don’t know, the jungle i can kind of see but a village in a swamp ? yeah not feeling it. A new trading system was added in the form of the wandering trader, this is a very very cool concept it just needs to be done right, him and his llamas come every seven or eight days and trades sometimes good sometimes worthless items for emeralds. The problem is the trades, i think he should trade rare items, at least items players could use and let the trades get better as time goes by. No one wants to buy stuff they already have or can get very easy. The villages have been updated to look better, and we all know they needed the renovation, they now match their biome and use materials found in that biome, kinda.


Snowy tundra as i call it now has villages which almost look like sideways boats for houses, its a long time coming but i’m glad their here, the tundra was bleak, just snow and ice far as the eye could see but now there’s a bit of  contrast there’s something to look forward to finding besides ice and snow.

New mobs were released, which i have to admit were needed the jungle biome was real empty for a jungle, food for thought i think there should be monkeys next. Pandas the cuter cousin of the polar bear, they are so adorable it hurts even the babies will make you melt i kid you not. these pandas are passive except for the hostile one that spawns rarely you will know it by the grey old guy eye brows. each panda has its own personality unlike the polar bears. There’s sick, playful, angry (eyebrows), lazy, worried, normal and the ultra rare brown panda i haven’t seen this one spawn in any jungle in my game but maybe you guys out there have. Foxes were an unexpected addition, they have two variants the normal red fox and the snow fox but i havent seen any snow foxes in my game, maybe im not playing it right anyhoo foxes can carry items in their mouth and they eat the new berries from berry bushes as well as feel the effects of poisoned items.


We had the Village now lets cover the Pillage, these pillagers spawn in a pillager outpost which i think is a cool concept, having a raid in villages once in a blue moon, spice things up. how raids work is that when a player kills a captain thats the guy with the banner over his head they get bad omen effect that cant be broken unless they go into a village. then a raid starts and a golden bell is rang, during this event the villagers run around for shelter and it lasts about 3 waves then thats it depending on your difficulty level it may be more waves. I play on normal and get 3 waves, you then become the village hero and villagers party basically and give you rare items and i mean rare, i got chain mail armor one not kidding, the rarest armor in the game found no where, im still not sure how you get that and their trade prices drop by half price.


The pillagers aren’t just pillagers, they have vindicators with them too hence the emeralds they drop. sometimes during the 3rd wave of a raid you will see a ravager beast being ridden by a pillager or vindicator. This beast has alot of health and will not hesitate to kill you on site, best thing to do is lead it to a golem and you and that golem take him down. team work makes the dream work.


like 1.13 and others before it, 1.14 doesn’t come as clean as we are led to believe, i ave seen countless videos of people talking about issues from way back in the beginning to now. World generation has always been an issue, the world takes forever to load sometimes i float on air, sometimes i see blocks fall through the map. The slow loading of the world causes game lag and in my case freezing up but freezing up is rare now in 1.14 almost non existent. since 1.13 the game hasn’t been able to load biomes properly sometimes you would see half a mountain or see straight down to a cave or mineshaft or stronghold.


Not cool dudes, and don’t give me none of that sigh business either, 1.14 needs some tweaks here and there,  a little renovation of its own. other issues include villagers not sleeping at night and iron golems sinking in the ground not sure what thats about but it needs to be fixed. can’t defend my village in the ground now can it, one major, ultra mega issue is teleportation, this has been a thorn in my side since 1.13, it was bad then and its bad now, before i couldn’t teleport at all and finding my way around minecraft biomes were sigh but now i teleport into walls, underground where i suffocate to death, teleporting in mid air to fall to my death and due to lack of map loading i fall through the map. I don’t even know how thats possible. teleporting in 1.14 is only possible in creative mode where since you can fly you can’t fall through maps and will always be above ground.


Minecraft has a good thing going and needs to take their time and work out their kinks, fixing the teleportation and world generating are the biggest things. The world should be able to generate smoothly, if the issue is our devices let us know what devices can and can’t handle minecraft. Multiplayer has been unreachable for me since servers don’t work, thats another big issue to fix, from research online i found that the amount of people are too much for the server to handle. I hope this can be fixed because i would like to experience multiplayer. since most of minecraft is still a bit bare mobs wise adding mobs like monkeys to the jungle or a new aquatic creature maybe a jellyfish or something since the oceans tend to be empty unless your in tropical waters. Make the mooshroom island a little tiny bit easier to find, some gamers have never found it in game unless they use seeds. The trade system is good but upgrading the wandering traveler will make him more useful and don’t have him spawn on top of buildings, i dont know why but many times he spawned on the roof of my house. i was on the ground and spotted him. player skins are only possible by mods and this shouldnt be in 2019, players should get at least 3 free skin choices steve and steves wife are ok but 1. its time steves wife got a name and 2. no one wants to play as steves wife or steve anymore. Minecraft has endless possibilities here and i hope they listen to gamers and fix these issues. beyond that i give the update 7 out of 10. its good and there’s definitely room for improvement.


Published by sweettoothj

A reading, sleeping, gaming, singing, positive thinking, food loving, stylish, funny, silly, big hearted kinda girl.

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